Other therapist recommendations:T

Katie Richardson, Portlaoise. Works with children & adolescents.


Web links:



Reframing Professional Language Around Autism

Autism definition - Nick Walker




AUsome Conference 2020

AUsome Training webinars



Beardon, L. (2017) Autism & Asperger Syndrome in Adults. Sheldon Press.

Beardon, L. (2021) Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Adults: A Guide for Autistic Wellbeing. London: Sheldon Press.

Fletcher-Watson, S. & Happe, F. (2019) Autism: A New Introduction to Psychological Theory and Current Debate. London: Routledge.

Pearson, A. & Rose, K. (2023) Autistic Masking: Understanding Identity Management and the Role of Stigma. Pavilion.

Price, D. (2022) Unmasking Autism: The Power of Embracing Our Hidden Neurodiversity. Monoray.

Silberman, S. (2017) NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and How to Think Smarter About People Who Think Differently. Allen & Unwin.

Singer, J. (2017) NeuroDiversity: The Birth of an Idea - revised ed. Lexington: Singer.

Wharmby, P. (2022) What I Want to Talk About: How Autistic Special Interests Shape a Life. London: JKP.

Wharmby, P. (2023) Untypical: How the World Isn’t Built for Autistic People and What We Should All Do About It. JKP